If you have a college admissions/test prep related question:

A lot of people send me questions about college admissions. I’d love to help as many students and families I can with my limited time.

So right now, I publish all the advice I give, on my College Q&A Newsletter and this Q&A page. This means when I help one student, I can help thousands.

What this means: if you submit a question, I will publish your question and my answer. I’ll anonymize your question, removing all identifying info about your name, email, high school, etc., while still preserving enough info for context. You’ll then get personal advice and you’ll help thousands of other students too.

Please keep your request as concise, and your questions as focused, as you can. It’s hard to get through long questions where someone sends their entire high school resume and asks what they should do. Before publishing, I might also edit your question for conciseness.

Ways to Reach Me

Email: [email protected]

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