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Video Summaries of Algorithms To Live By

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1-Page Summary of Algorithms To Live By


Let’s take a second to think about the smartphone or tablet in front of us. How does it “think”? For instance, how does it “know” how to handle a heap of data and present it to us as we read – or listen – right now? The answer is that a series of instructions enables it to do this.

Computers also use algorithms. However, they’re not only used by computers but also humans because we have our own algorithms in place to help us make decisions and solve problems. The best part is that if you don’t know how to solve a problem, you can turn to computer algorithms for help.

This article will teach you how to figure out when you should settle down with your partner, and not keep dating others. It’ll also show you how math can help you organize your zombie books in a way that makes them easy to find. Finally, it’ll explain why the mess on your desk is actually better than it looks.

Big Idea #1: Algorithms help both humans and computers to solve problems.

If you’re someone who follows new technology, you may have heard that computers are run by algorithms. You might be wondering what exactly an algorithm is.

The word “algorithm” dates back to the ninth century, when it was first used by a Persian mathematician. It has been traced roughly four thousand years back, to the Sumerian civilization.

An algorithm is a set of instructions that helps solve a problem. It’s something we use every day, like following a recipe to make dinner or putting together some Ikea furniture.

When we’re trying to decide whether or not to accept a job offer, we also weigh the pros and cons of that decision. This is an intuitive algorithm—a way of thinking that isn’t precise but helps us reach decisions anyway. We use these algorithms in times of uncertainty because they help us make the best decisions possible.

So, they’re not as objective or precise as the mathematical algorithms a computer uses.

Apartment hunting is often a tough experience. People usually have an idea of what they want in an apartment, such as the amount of space or distance from school or work. However, this method doesn’t always yield results. The same thing happens when computer algorithms try to solve problems; they don’t always produce good answers. In the next few key points we’ll explore how you can use these methods to your advantage and find a great apartment that meets all your criteria without breaking your budget!

Big Idea #2: Most of the time, algorithms can tell us when to stop pressing our luck.

If you have been searching for a new apartment in an area where there are many people looking, then you probably know that it can be hard to decide when to stop searching and take an offer.

People are often influenced by the first thing that comes along, which they tend to see as the best option available. As easily, the second thing can seem like a good choice too.

Optimal stopping is a mathematical formula that helps solve problems. It says to look at 37 of 100 options without picking any, then use the results to establish standards for what you want in an apartment.

After you’ve gone through the 37 steps, select the first one that meets these standards. You should do this because it will give you better odds of selecting a strong idea than if you just guessed randomly.

Whether you’re looking for a new apartment, a job or even your soulmate, the magic number is 37%.

Math can’t always tell us when to stop. For example, if you’re betting on a coin flip and using the “triple or nothing” strategy (where you triple your bet with each flip but risk losing everything), then it’s possible that you won’t be able to keep doubling down.

Algorithms To Live By Book Summary, by Brian Christian and Tom Griffiths