Price Corridor (Blue Ocean Strategy) – What Is It? What Price?

Price Corridor (Blue Ocean Strategy) – What Is It? What Price?

Now that you’ve figured out an offering that offers superior utility to the customer, you need to figure out how to price it. How much should you charge for your blue ocean strategy product?

Blue Ocean Strategy recommends using the price corridor, a way to maximize the success of your strategy. What is a price corridor, and how does it depend on your business? Learn more here.

Innovation Sandbox – What Is It? How Do You Succeed?

Innovation Sandbox – What Is It? How Do You Succeed?

The final substantive chapter of Lean Startup discusses innovation in a large company and internal startups, in the form of an innovation sandbox.

If growth is your goal and you achieve it, you’ll keep growing your startup to 10, 100, 1,000 people. How do you keep innovating to grow new lines of business while keeping existing products competitive? How do you prevent yourself from being bogged down by process?