Want to learn the ideas in Traction better than ever? Read the world’s #1 book summary of Traction by Gino Wickman here.

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Video Summaries of Traction

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1-Page Summary of Traction

Introduction: The Entrepreneurial Operating System

By following the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS), you can learn how to run your business instead of letting it run you. The EOS will help you take your business from good to great and allow you to focus on what’s important. There are a lot of moving parts in running a company, so trying to manage everything at once can be overwhelming. Instead, just focus on the six core components: vision, people, data, issues/problems, process and traction. If everyone is going in different directions and there isn’t a clear understanding of what they’re working toward or who they should be reporting to then it’ll become difficult for that vision to become reality. Surrounding yourself with the right people goes along way as well; make sure they share your core values and are in roles where they fit best based on their skillsets and personalities. Also pay attention to certain metrics like revenue growth or customer satisfaction ratings because if those numbers start dropping then you know something needs changing before things get out of hand.

Letting Go of the Vine

Many business owners are afraid of taking risks. They want to grow their businesses, but they’re not willing to take the risks that come with it. Luckily, Entrepreneurial Operating System can help them overcome this fear and be successful in business.

Organizations must also stop believing that they are a single person. If you do, your organization will not last long. To prevent this from happening, you should appoint leaders with different skills and outlooks on the world to run the company, use one system for making decisions and be open-minded about new ideas from others.

Growth is impossible without risk, so you need to be open-minded and willing to try new things. You should acknowledge your weaknesses so that someone else can take over the work when it’s best for the company. If you’re not willing to express vulnerability or embrace change, then progress will be difficult.

Vision: Do They See What You Are Saying?

Most entrepreneurs have a clear vision for their company. However, this vision is not always shared by the employees or leaders of that company. This can lead to confusion and stress among those people who are unclear about what they’re trying to achieve.

Core values

Central focus

To make your vision clear, write it down on paper and share it with the team. The vision should simply articulate what your organization is, where you’re going, and how to get there. It should also identify key factors (core values, central focus). Your core values will help define your purpose and goals by building a culture around them. They’ll be a guiding force within the organization as well as an important tool during the hiring process. Next is to establish your core focus so that you don’t get distracted by what others are doing or bored with this focus. Establishing a clearly delineated core focus will eliminate extraneous noise from people, practices or even entire product lines that don’t fit in with the rest of the company’s mission statement.

10-year target

Marketing strategy

One-year plan

Potential issues

The first step to determining your company’s focus is to define why you exist and what niche you occupy. You need to find this out early on because it will help you reach your goals. Once that’s done, make a 10-year plan for how successful you want your company to be in the future, as well as a marketing strategy. Find ideal customers and market yourself towards them by differentiating yourself from other companies. Then create a one-year plan based on that information and keep it simple so that you don’t stress yourself out trying too hard at once. Break down the year into quarterly goals so that they’re more manageable, but still achievable enough to keep moving forward towards long-term success. Finally, identify obstacles before they get in the way of your progress by creating an issues list with solutions in mind for those problems.

Traction Book Summary, by Gino Wickman