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1-Page Summary of City Of Ashes

Overall Summary

The Mortal Instruments series is written by Cassandra Clare, a pen name for Judith Lewis. The first book in this series was the best-selling urban fantasy novel City of Bones (2008). It follows Clary Fray as she helps protect the normal world from demonic forces. This novel is part of a popular teen series that has been voted one of the top books for adolescents. Its themes include familial love, revenge, and sacrifice for one’s friends. There are many genres within this story including romance and urban drama.

Clary Fray is a 15-year-old girl who lives in New York City. She has red hair and green eyes, as well as freckles. Clary appears to be an ordinary human at first, but she learns that there are creatures such as werewolves, fairies, and vampires—all of which are real—and the only people protecting humans from these creatures are Shadowhunters (creatures made with the blood of angels). Clary discovers that she is a Shadowhunter herself. A central tension throughout the series is her biological father’s desire for revenge on all Shadowhunters by killing them all and releasing demonic forces into the world. To accomplish this goal, he must collect several “mortal instruments” (objects) scattered across Earth; they’re objects used by ancient gods to create our universe when it was created over 6 millennia ago. The heroes fight to prevent him from acquiring those items because if he does acquire them, not only will he kill every single person on Earth who isn’t a Nephilim or Downworlder (another term for magical beings), but also destroy their entire planet in the process.

At the Institute, Jace meets Maryse Lightwood, Clary and Jayce’s mother. She thinks that he always knew that Valentine was Clary’s father. However, Jace refuses to believe it. He runs away from home to a dive bar where he hangs out with werewolves who are burned out on their lycanthropy. Later, Clary kisses Simon and silently wishes for her real love—Jace—to be with her again. Her stepfather calls to tell her about Jace running off with werewolves and how only she can bring him back home safely by talking some sense into him at the bar they hang out at together all the time; so she goes there immediately after getting off the phone with Luke (her stepdad). There she finds Jace and convinces him to come back home because his mom is angry at him for working for Valentine in secret without telling anyone else in their family first before going ahead with it like an idiot (as we know now). After this incident ended up successfully resolved thanks to Clary’s help, another one happens right away: The Silent City has been attacked by someone named as “Valentine” who had stolen something called “the Mortal Sword” or “Soul-Sword” which will allow its owner unlimited power if used correctly!

When Clary, Izzy, and Alec arrive at the Silent City they are surprised to find that everyone has been killed. Clary is able to free Simon with a rune enchantment. The Inquisitor blames Jace for the death of all the guardians. Magnus Banem offers to keep Jace under house arrest as he fears Valentine will complete his Ritual of Infernal Conversion by using the Soul-Sword on evil spirits in mundane world. Whilst there, Jace meets Queen of Seelie or Faerie Queen who summons him to her court along with Simon, Izzy and Clary after some convincing she helps them defeat Valentine by saying that Jace and Clary are Valentine’s “wonderful” experiments. After leaving from Seelie Court group tries to leave but Clary ate faerie food which won’t let her leave realm until she kisses whom she most desires so much so embarrassed when she kissed her brother Jace. They both consider having secret relationship but later decide against it due too much lying involved instead they try bury their passion for each other, meanwhile Simon has been turned into vampire and group frets over how tell his mum about this news. A friendly werewolf Maia crashes through door covered in wounds inflicted by demons, Magnus heals Maia while Luke attacks outside, during battle between demons and Shadowhunters,Clary makes Fearless Rune which amazed everyone since making brand new runes was thought ability only angels possessed.

City Of Ashes Book Summary, by Cassandra Clare