Eclipse Book Summary, by Stephenie Meyer

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1-Page Summary of Eclipse


The third novel in the Twilight series is Eclipse. In this novel, Bella and Edward are looking forward to their graduation from high school, but Victoria has returned with a new plan to kill Bella for killing James. The Cullens must turn to their newest enemies, the werewolves of Quileute. This suspenseful romance will leave teen readers anxious for more action.

Bella has not been talking to her friend, Jacob, since he turned her in for riding a motorcycle that she and Jacob had restored. However, Bella’s father would rather see her with Jacob than with Edward, so he agrees to unground Bella as long as she spends some time with Jacob. Bella reluctantly agrees.

In the final year of high school, Bella and her friends are excited to become vampires. However, Edward is reluctant to let Bella be transformed because he fears that if she waits too long, she will grow old while he remains young forever.

Bella is still honoring her father’s wish to keep in touch with Jacob. She learns some things about the werewolf pack he belongs to that she would not normally know, including the fact that several members of the pack have imprinted on mates they are biologically destined to be with.

Bella is bored in Forks, Washington and she’s not the only one. The Cullens are also unhappy there, thinking about leaving. However, they’re caught up in a series of brutal murders in Seattle that seem to be committed by newborn vampires. It becomes clear that the Volturi will do nothing to stop them from killing humans so the Cullens decide to step in themselves with help from Jacob and his werewolf pack.

Bella, Jake, and Edward are waiting for the army of newborns to arrive. They have a chance to talk about Bella’s relationship with Jake. Bella realizes that she has hurt Jake by not accepting his love for her and feels guilty. The next day, Victoria reappears but is killed by Edward in order to end their feud. After this happens, Bella has to tell Jacob how she feels about him: She loves him and can imagine their life together but cannot live without Edward so she chooses Edward over Jacob who is devastated emotionally at this news. Later on, they get married before they all become vampires together forever

Preface and Chapters 1-3

The third book in the Twilight series is about Edward and Bella, a vampire and human respectively. The first two books follow their romance while they struggle to be together. In the second novel, Edward breaks up with Bella because he fears she will become too involved with him if he remains her boyfriend. As a result of this break-up, Bella becomes close to Jacob, who transforms into a werewolf (vampire’s natural enemy). However, when she realizes how much she misses Edward without him by her side (and that Jacob isn’t as good for her), Bella finds herself back with Edward even though they are still in danger from Jacob and his pack of werewolves.

The preface is about Bella. She’s going to face a certain death, but she wants to do it anyway because of her love for Edward. She also gets a note from Jacob, who got her in trouble before and is angry at him again. Her father tries to make dinner and fails miserably so he tells Bella that she can go out with Jake now since she was grounded anyways. He gives her an envelope saying that she got accepted into college even though all the time spent away from home will give them the chance they need to transform Bella into a vampire without anyone knowing what happened. A little later Edward shows up and says that Dartmouth would be great for her because he doesn’t want her missing out on human experiences like college before becoming a vampire just yet, although Bella prefers spending time with him rather than humans or werewolves like Jake.

Eclipse Book Summary, by Stephenie Meyer