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1-Page Summary of Proof Of Heaven

Overall Summary

A neurosurgeon, Eben Alexander III, contracted a rare form of bacterial meningitis and was in a coma for seven days. During this time he had experiences that made him believe in an afterlife. He uses his background as a neurosurgeon to argue that these experiences are scientifically valid and can be trusted.

Alexander’s experiences are controversial because some doctors think he didn’t really have the visions described in his book. Alexander claims that he had a near-death experience after contracting bacterial meningitis, but according to an exposé in Esquire magazine, the coma was medically induced with large amounts of anesthesia. During those “coma” periods when Alexander wasn’t completely unconscious, he experienced hallucinations or dreams about what happens after death. The fact that Alexander never mentioned this at any point during his book raises questions about whether it’s true.

In the beginning, Alexander didn’t believe in life after death. He trusted science over subjective experiences. However, that changed when he went into a coma for seven days during which time he experienced something so amazing that it made him rethink his beliefs about life after death and the existence of God.

Dr. Alexander’s medical career is impressive, but he writes in a simplistic way about his experience during the coma and how it changed him. He says that while he was in a coma, he wasn’t thinking at all.

However, the opinion of doctors who medically induced his coma contradicts this. They say that God didn’t control Alexander’s coma because he would occasionally become delirious when they lowered the amount of anesthesia in order to see how he reacted. Also, Dr. Alexander says that his neocortex was shut down during the coma; however, other doctors disagree with him on this point and say it wasn’t possible for him to be conscious while comatose.

Nevertheless, the book became a hit because people wanted to read more about why there is something rather than nothing.

Proof Of Heaven Book Summary, by Eben Alexander