Six Pixels of Separation Book Summary, by Mitch Joel

Want to learn the ideas in Six Pixels of Separation better than ever? Read the world’s #1 book summary of Six Pixels of Separation by Mitch Joel here.

Read a brief 1-Page Summary or watch video summaries curated by our expert team. Note: this book guide is not affiliated with or endorsed by the publisher or author, and we always encourage you to purchase and read the full book.

Video Summaries of Six Pixels of Separation

We’ve scoured the Internet for the very best videos on Six Pixels of Separation, from high-quality videos summaries to interviews or commentary by Mitch Joel.

1-Page Summary of Six Pixels of Separation

How to Become an Online Brand

In the past, you had to know people in order to be successful. Nowadays, because of the Internet and social networking sites like Facebook or Twitter, it is much easier for anyone to become known as an expert on something. The Internet lets you connect with other people who share your interests and passions. It can help build a brand that will rival any corporate brand out there at no cost whatsoever! To do this, first figure out what area(s) you want to specialize in online. Then learn how to use web tools and applications so that they work for you rather than against you.

  • “Readers” – The best way to get the information you want is with an RSS (really simple syndication) reader, or a newsreader. These tools alert you when blogs and websites update their information.

  • There are many ways to keep track of your business online. One way is by setting up Google Alerts, which will send you an email if someone mentions your company in a blog or on Twitter and so forth. Another method is by using social search engines such as Social Mention, IceRocket or Google Blog Search, which scan the web for relevant information about your company. Finally, you can check out what other websites link to yours through the special service offered by Google called “link”.

  • Employ Google Trends and Facebook Advertising to define your target market. Carefully plan your marketing strategy. Determine in advance exactly what you hope to accomplish online, then use a news reader to monitor blogs or online communities that speak to your target market. Follow their content and conversations, contribute something valuable, and push the conversation forward by not just promoting yourself but also becoming an active participant in these communities.

Know Your Channels

Digital technology has enabled people to connect and communicate with each other in ways never before possible. Exploiting this connectivity can help you create an online community of like-minded individuals who are interested in the types of products or services that you sell. This approach helps you find those people by starting a:

  • “Blog” – A web journal that people can subscribe to using RSS readers. Make sure you schedule time each day to write blog posts, and keep a notebook handy so you can jot down any spontaneous ideas for new content. Use catchy headlines and ask questions to engage your readers and spark online conversations. For more pointers on how to make your posts as strong as possible, visit Copyblogger and ProBlogger online.

  • Microblogs are brief communication blasts of 140 characters. People follow you and you follow people through microblogs. Twitter is the best example of a microblog. Podcasts are audio or video content that can be posted on your blog or made available through iTunes. You should also use online social networks, such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn to connect with others, form groups and promote your content – as well as monitor how your brand is doing online by checking for new friend requests or group invitations (and then browsing pages and groups that you administer). To perform a personal brand audit, check if there have been any new friend requests or group invitations; then browse through the pages and groups that you administer; ask yourself whether they’re linking to the right people; see if your following has grown; make sure that all of this information is up-to-date in your profile page

  • A sharing site is a platform where people can share and view content. YouTube, for example, allows users to upload videos and link them together in one place.

Six Pixels of Separation Book Summary, by Mitch Joel