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Video Summaries of The Image

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1-Page Summary of The Image

A Book and Its Cover

Have you ever wondered why you didn’t get a job or promotion? It might be because of something as simple as an aftershave that was too strong or a skirt that was too tight. You’d like to think your résumé makes the strongest impression, but it’s actually your appearance, behavior and communication skills that make you attractive to those doing the hiring. The qualities employers look for vary from one hiring manager to another, but how you choose to present yourself is always influential.

You’ve Got Flair

Flair is about how you present yourself. It’s not just your clothes; it’s also the way you act and react to things. Your personality shines through, and people notice that. You have a unique look that makes an impact on other people.

It doesn’t matter if you wear a designer suit or an outfit from a discount chain. What’s important is presenting yourself in a way that makes sense for the position you’re applying to and shows your personality. To do this, you must first understand what makes up your style and how to make it work for you. You might not look like a model, but it’s important to know how to maximize the assets you have so that they work with the rest of your image.

An ideal body proportion is a height that is eight times the length of your head. By taking measurements from your scalp to chin, chin to waist, waist to the bottom of the pelvic bone and pelvic bone to feet, you can identify areas where you may be challenged in terms of proportions and learn how to work around them or camouflage them with clothing. An ideal ratio is 1-2-1-4: A head equals one unit; a torso, two; a waist-to-pelvis measurement should equal one while legs should equal four units.

Color Me Successful

While choosing the correct colors is difficult for some people, it can help to know what shades are flattering and will reflect your personality. It’s also important to know which colors look best on you based on your skin tone. The color of your skin depends on three factors: hemoglobin (red), carotene (yellow) and melanin (blue). Your ratio of those things along with hair and eye color will determine how well certain colors work for you.

Colorists often use a seasonal/temperature analogy to help them select the right shades for their clients. First, place a piece of gold metallic fabric under your chin. If you look better with silver, you are “cool”. If gold enhances your look, you are “warm”. Next, do the same with light and dark colored fabrics or clothing items. Your color type is “spring” if you’re warm and bright; wear tan, browns or rust colors. An autumn is warm and muted; stick to olive green, navy blue or gray. A summer is cool and muted; choose French navy blue, heather gray or brown/taupe colors. Finally winter types are cool and bright; go for charcoal gray, black/browns or forest green colors.

Perfectly Suited

Regardless of your profession, you should wear an attractive suit to the interview. The collar shouldn’t stand up but should hug the back of your neck. The fabric shouldn’t bunch around your arms or back and it should be cut so that the lapels don’t pull apart. You’ll look good if you can button the jacket comfortably and about one-half inch of shirt cuff will show beyond arm length.

Women’s skirt lengths can be above the knee, below the knee or to mid-calf. To appear taller, go for a longer length and vice versa if you want to look shorter. Before buying a suit, check your closet first to see what might work. If you have time and money use a personal shopper; otherwise buy off the rack but get it altered so it fits perfectly on you.

The Image Book Summary, by Daniel J. Boorstin