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Video Summaries of The Magnet Effect

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1-Page Summary of The Magnet Effect

Internet Influence

The Internet has changed our lives in six important ways. The time between new products is compressing, especially in the fast-moving world of software.

  • We feel like we’re running out of time, since our parents and grandparents had more free time than we do. We’ve become a society where people value their free time above anything else.

  • We have created more information in the past 30 years than we had in all of human history.

  • People have a hard time paying attention to things because they don’t have enough time or information. This can make it difficult for your company to get the attention of consumers.

  • Time and space are no longer barriers. People can compete with each other anywhere in the world, as evidenced by the Internet’s 24/7 availability.

  • People have access to more information, since they can find it on the Internet. They also are able to compare prices from other places around the world.

The Internet is changing the world right now. These changes are just a small part of that transformation, which will continue for many years to come.

Mastering Internet Marketing

The Internet has changed everything. It’s easier than ever to reach customers online and connect with them in ways that were never possible before. You’ll need a strategy for reaching your audience, as well as the skills to implement it.

  • You need to attract customers first and then sell them your product. This contrasts with the traditional approach of starting with a product and finding customers who want it. To do this, you must have something that attracts people (like content or services). Yahoo! and AOL succeeded because they attracted enough people through their content/services to keep their visitors coming back for more.

  • When you attract customers, it’s important to keep them coming back. To do this, use passive media like TV, radio and print ads that direct them to your Web site. Once they’re there, give them ways to interact with you by collecting their e-mail addresses and securing permission for email marketing. Finally, send them a series of emails in order to create an ongoing dialogue with the customer and get him or her to revisit your Web site again and again.

  • The domino method is about looking ahead and predicting what will happen next. It’s sort of like the domino effect, where one event leads to another. You can see a chain of events that might occur, but you don’t know exactly when it will start. For example, if you’re trying to predict which new technology will take off first, you have an idea of how it might unfold over time.

Magnetized Marketing

The first step in attracting customers is to make them want it. Amazon.com, for example, started out as a bookseller and attracted people by offering a large selection of books (and other things) with an easy purchase process. Once they had attracted many customers, Amazon found new ways to sell those customers more things that they wanted or needed.

Although it may be necessary to operate at a loss initially in order to attract new customers, this will eventually pay off. In order to keep them interested, you need content that is relevant and valuable for the customer. You can create your own content or buy it from experts. Either way, you should also provide opportunities for people to interact with each other on your Web site through forums and instant messaging programs. It’s important that these interactions are more than just one-way communication; they should include commerce options such as online purchasing and tracking services so that the consumer feels like he or she is being taken care of by you. It’s also important to make sure all of the information needed by consumers is easily accessible on your Web site so that they don’t have any trouble finding what they’re looking for when they visit there again later on down the line. Finally, it’s best if you gradually collect information about a person over time in order to build trust before trying anything too personal or invasive with their data because otherwise customers may become uncomfortable with sharing their private details with someone who could potentially misuse them against them later on down the road when things start getting serious between both parties involved in said business relationship/transaction/etc., etc., etc…

The Magnet Effect Book Summary, by Jesse Berst