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Video Summaries of The Sky Is Everywhere

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1-Page Summary of The Sky Is Everywhere

Overall Summary

The Sky is Everywhere, by Jandy Nelson, follows the story of Lennon who grieves after the death of her sister. She realizes that grief is an unavoidable part of life and it’s okay to feel sad about things. The novel also shows how people can make connections with others when they’re feeling lonely or sad, as well as showing how important friendship can be in times like these.

“The Sky is Everywhere” starts off a few weeks after the death of Bailey. Lennon, her sister’s best friend, is devastated and heartbroken. She doesn’t know how she’ll ever be happy again or move on from this loss. After a few days of mourning, she goes back to school where she receives an overwhelming amount of attention from everyone around her. None of the messages people send seem to soothe her pain though; not even those from teachers and friends. In band class one day, Lennon meets Joe Fontaine who quickly takes a liking to her despite being surrounded by other girls in his class who are also attracted to him as well as Rachel—Lennon’s enemy at school—who has always been jealous of their friendship. To Lennon’s surprise he visits her house which both unnerves and intrigues her at the same time because it feels like they’re getting closer but then he tells her about his past relationship with Bailey which confuses things for them both because now there are two guys vying for Lennon’s affection: Toby (Bailey’s old boyfriend) and Joe (her new crush).

One day after class, Lennon returns home and finds Toby outside her house. They talk in the garden about their shared grief over Bailey’s death. She realizes that he understands her pain more than anyone else because he was also extremely attached to Bailey. At the same time, she is confused by his affection for her because before this incident she barely noticed him at all. Later that week, Joe approaches Lennon during lunch while she eats in a tree in the schoolyard and asks if they can play music together again; however, she refuses his request when he tells her it will be a duet with just them two playing instruments together. In the middle of the following night, Toby comes to Lennon’s house and goes in for a kiss; however, she stops him from doing so because they were both previously dating Bailey (herself included). The next day one of her best friends confronts her about what happened with Toby but seems angry rather than concerned like most people would be under similar circumstances which causes Lennon to question whether or not Bailey would have been against their relationship had he still been alive.

In the summer, Joe keeps trying to get closer to Lennon. He visits her house frequently and gives her presents. He talks with her grandmother and uncle, “Uncle Big.” Lennon doesn’t know if he’s going out of his way just to be friendly or if there is something more behind it all. One day when she’s at dinner with her family, Joe arrives and tells them that he has a crush on Lennon; they run into Toby who gets upset with Joe for coming by so often because he still likes Lennon too. The next day, while hanging out at home alone together, Toby and Lennon almost make out but are interrupted by Joe who comes over unexpectedly; they both sneak off to another room where they kiss each other until their lips hurt from kissing so much; she decides that she wants to date him instead of Toby but then runs into Toby again later on; after telling him about how Bailey was pregnant when she died in the accident (which happened right before school started), he kisses her as well which makes it difficult for Lennon since both guys kissed her within 24 hours of one another

The Sky Is Everywhere Book Summary, by Jandy Nelson