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Video Summaries of The Story Of Stuff

We’ve scoured the Internet for the very best videos on The Story Of Stuff, from high-quality videos summaries to interviews or commentary by Annie Leonard.

1-Page Summary of The Story Of Stuff

Overall Summary

The Story of Stuff: How Our Obsession with Stuff is Trashing the Planet, Our Communities, and Our Health—and a Vision for Change (2010) by Annie Leonard is based on a short animated documentary with the same title (2007) written and narrated by Leonard. The book criticizes American consumerism that values novelty, accumulation, and low prices as unsustainable. Overconsumption affects our health, happiness, and planet. It also shows how resources are finite on our planet and that environmental costs of consumption are unsustainable. To save our planet we need to consume less.

The story of stuff is a documentary that examines the materials economy, or modern manufacturing ecosystem. It uses a systems thinking approach to examine this complex system. The film is divided into five segments: extraction, production, distribution, consumption and disposal. Each segment has its own characteristics which connect with other parts of the system. For instance, corporate interest drives consumer demand and political paradigms shape our worldviews during each stage of production. Environmental damage can be caused by racism and globalization in different stages as well.

Statistics, personal stories, and firsthand observations are used to support her analysis. For example, the average American produces 4 pounds of garbage per day. The municipal systems process more than 240 million tons of waste each year. Burning this trash creates dioxin, which is one of the most harmful substances known to man. Leonard begins her discussion with a visit to Fresh Kills Landfill on Staten Island.

The idea of consuming is a paradigm that influences people’s actions and desires. The average American is bombarded with ads for consumption, which encourages them to spend money on things they don’t need. They’ve been taught that it’s necessary for economic growth and will bring personal or spiritual fulfillment. Capitalism as a worldview has normalized overconsumption in the global economy. A professor suggests we need to consume less and value things more if we want to make changes happen on individual, corporate, and government levels so that an equitable, sustainable world can be created someday soon.


The Story of Stuff starts with a first-person account of the author’s childhood. She describes how forests were cleared for urban sprawl, and later visits a landfill in Staten Island to learn about garbage. The author then traces the origins of waste disposal to explain why it is so problematic today.

This detective project is rooted in Leonard’s methodology of systems thinking, which analyzes the connections between things. Typically, people study individual elements without looking at how they relate to one another or fit into a larger system. For instance, someone is an expert on the economy while someone else is an expert on ecology. Systems thinking tells us that “the economy is a subsystem of earth’s ecosystem” (Introduction) and we must look at both together to fully understand the economy. We also need to consider all manmade systems like capitalism and slavery as part of this analysis because humans are just one species among many living on earth. By tracing these relationships and connections, we can gain new insights into consumerism’s influence not only on individuals but also everything around them—including the planet itself—and its effects will be felt for generations to come.

The core concept of The Story of Stuff is limits. We can’t continue to grow on a planet with finite resources. Capitalism, our economic system, demands constant growth. This is a problem because it’s impossible for the economy to keep growing forever in a world with limited space and resources. Leonard asks: “What happens if there’s an economic subsystem that keeps growing inside of an ecosystem that has fixed boundaries?” She introduces her thesis:

The Story Of Stuff Book Summary, by Annie Leonard