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Video Summaries of The Sun Is Also A Star

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1-Page Summary of The Sun Is Also A Star

Overall Summary

Despite her mother’s protests, a seventeen-year-old girl gathers her phone, headphones, and physics homework to visit the USCIS building in Manhattan. Her little brother is gleefully packing boxes while blaring Bob Marley, and her dad just looks angry. They’re undocumented immigrants being deported today. The girl believes this is her last chance to convince anyone to let them stay in America because she knows that they’ll be sent back home where it will be dangerous for them. At the USCIS building, the security guard takes a long time looking through Natasha’s things which makes her late for an appointment with someone who can help them stay in America. She lingers over Natasha’s phone case (the cover art of Nirvana’s album Nevermind) before listening to the album herself by researching Kurt Cobain online after work hours and deciding that she wants to commit suicide as well—something she’d been thinking about anyway but hadn’t decided how or when yet—and sends him off on his way without any further investigation into his background. Meanwhile, a new agent agrees to see Natasha despite having no interest or sympathy for what he sees as another sob story from an illegal immigrant trying not only to get asylum but also wanting citizenship so they can all live happily ever after here in America together as one big family forever! He gives Natasha some business cards from immigration lawyers around town at least though…

Meanwhile, Daniel prepares for his Yale interview. His mom is upset that Charlie was forced to leave Harvard and doesn’t want the same thing to happen to Daniel, so she’s pushing him hard. In addition, he really wants to be a poet instead of a doctor like his brother. He decides not to go into the city with her and takes the train in alone. The conductor tells everyone on board that they should find God before getting off at their stop; Daniel follows this advice by walking into Second Coming Records after seeing Natasha walk inside earlier.

In the record store, Natasha sees her ex-boyfriend Rob making out with a girl named Kelly. The girl is stealing records and Daniel confronts them. Rob runs away from Daniel and Natasha leaves without introducing herself to him. He follows her outside of the store, watches her get lost in music at a red light, and pulls her back when she steps off the curb into traffic. They fall down breaking a pair of headphones that were given to Natasha as a gift for Christmas by her father who died last year. She agrees to go on coffee with him because he saved her life but refuses his offer of replacing them saying it was “a stupid gift.”

Natasha and Daniel make their way to the law office, where Natasha is meeting with her boss. They flirt on the way there, but she doesn’t want to admit it. When they get to the office building, Natasha learns that her boss has been in an accident and won’t be back for a while. She goes out into the street looking for Daniel, who had gone off to meet his father at his store. While waiting outside of Dae Hyun’s black hair care store, Natasha finds out that Koreans own most black hair care stores because of their success in other industries like food service and convenience stores. Inside of Dae Hyun’s shop, Charlie mocks both Natasha and Daniel as he tries to convince them that relaxer will make “her” (Natasha) look better by making “her” (Natasha) hair straighter instead of curly so it’ll look less big than it really is. Finally fed up with Charlie’s racist remarks directed at him as well as at Natasha, Daniel drags her out of the shop before things escalate any further between them all or someone gets hurt or arrested due to Charlie’s offensive behavior towards others based solely on race alone rather than anything else about them personally.

The Sun Is Also A Star Book Summary, by Nicola Yoon