Want to learn the ideas in The Zombie Survival Guide better than ever? Read the world’s #1 book summary of The Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks here.

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Video Summaries of The Zombie Survival Guide

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1-Page Summary of The Zombie Survival Guide


The Zombie Survival Guide is written in the form of a non-fiction guide. The book explains how to identify and survive attacks by zombies, which are reanimated dead people that have been infected with a virus called Solanum. In this fictional world, zombie attacks are often suppressed by the government and media so average citizens must be prepared to fight for their lives against these flesh eating undead.

The undead are reanimated human corpses. They’re driven by the Solanum virus, which kills their body and takes over their brain. The infected humans can’t digest food, but they don’t get tired or decay for up to five years after infection.

The author of this passage is in favor of close combat and suggests using a crowbar, small firearm, trench spike, and Shaolin spade to fight the undead. He also advises against wearing armor because it slows you down and makes noise.

“On the Defense” talks about creating a defensive position. Having food, water, supplies and weapons is important. The best positions are upper floors that zombies can’t climb to, such as second story of a house or apartment building or an attack roof if necessary. Block all stairs so zombies can’t get up there and destroy any lower levels where they might try to go through windows. If it’s really bad you’ll need a self-sufficient fortress like military complex or prison for safety but in most cases your home will be okay with some modifications for defense against the undead hordes.

“On the Run” is about traveling during a zombie attack. The best times to travel are during the day, since zombies have an advantage at night. Travel light and prepare physically for emergencies as well as having supplies with you. Be prepared as much as possible before leaving on your trip. For land travel, motorcycles are recommended because they can go faster than bicycles and run out of gas less frequently. Air travel is also relatively safe except when refueling in flight or taking off/landing; water travel is another good choice since zombies cannot swim and will sink to the bottom if they fall into water while trying to reach their target victims on land or air vehicles.”

This book will explain how to hunt zombies. It’s important to lure them into your position and kill them safely, because fighting a zombie underwater is more difficult than on land. The safest way is to use sound or smell as bait, which requires careful preparation and coordination. This book also describes how you can prepare an escape route in case of a zombie invasion and start over in an isolated location after the apocalypse.

In this book, the author describes and analyzes attacks by zombies dating back to 60,000 B.C. The author states that although many of these descriptions are vague or distorted, they still provide valuable information about zombie behavior. He also suggests that historically there have been more zombie attacks as human populations grow and become urbanized. Because of this trend, world governments must acknowledge and address the problem of zombies before it gets worse. At the end of the book is a journal for readers to use to track possible zombie activity in their area.

Section 0 Summary (Introduction and The Undead: Myths and Realities: Solanum: The Virus)

Zombie Survival Guide is a non-fiction book that tells you how to survive an attack by the living dead. The author uses his imagination to create a fictional world where zombies are reanimated corpses infected with Solanum virus, which makes them want to eat your flesh. Government and media tend to hide these attacks from public view in order protect people from panic and chaos. Therefore, average citizens must learn how to defend themselves against this threat on their own.

The Zombie Survival Guide Book Summary, by Max Brooks