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1-Page Summary of Think and Grow Rich

Your thoughts are a secret wealth generator.

Author Napoleon Hill explains that he was given a formula for financial success by his mentor, Andrew Carnegie. He was told to write a book about it, and in the process of writing this book, he discovered the formula.

In the book, Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill explains how to achieve financial success. He claims that your thoughts are real objects and can be used to create wealth. To do this you must have passion and purpose in your thoughts.

Edwin C. Barnes demonstrates this principle. He was an impoverished nobody who wanted to partner with Thomas Edison, one of the most successful inventors in history. Barnes didn’t know him and couldn’t afford transportation to his office, but he had a burning desire for that partnership and determination to make it happen. At their first meeting, Edison told him he looked like an ordinary tramp and wouldn’t be able to provide any money for a partnership. But behind that rundown appearance, Edison detected some promise in Barnes’s persistence and offered him a job at low pay just so he could work with him on his inventions (which turned out to be very lucrative). Barnes seized the opportunity despite naysayers who said the “Edison Dictating Machine” would fail because no one needed it yet; however, Barnes knew they did need it eventually because people were already starting to use typewriters instead of pens when taking notes or writing letters at home or in business meetings. So he used those machines as vehicles for success until they became popular enough that everyone wanted them—and then sold them by partnering with Edison on mass production of them after several years passed since their initial introduction into society!

Desire, hopes and strategies increase wealth.

If you want to be rich, don’t just wish for it. You need a plan that will bring your dreams to life. Desire is the starting point of all achievement, but in order to make your dreams come true, you need an actionable plan. The six steps are:

  1. When you want something, think about how much money you want and what price you’re willing to pay for it. Set a deadline by which you’ll achieve your goal. Write down the steps needed to reach that goal on a task sheet with a strategy that starts right now. Write down your mission statement, read it twice daily aloud and declare yourself committed to achieving it. While others may doubt or be doubtful of your dreams, remember that people like Thomas Edison who invented the light bulb had thousands of failed prototypes before inventing one that worked; Or consider pioneers like Wilbur Wright who were able to envision flying machines because they weren’t afraid of failure and didn’t let naysayers stop them from pursuing their dreams.

Other people have overcome major obstacles to achieve their goals. Beethoven composed music despite being deaf, and Milton wrote books even though he was blind. Author Helen Keller was both blind and deaf, but she worked hard at her goal of becoming a writer and achieved success.

Develop faith in your ability to succeed by telling yourself that you will triumph.

Faith is the visualization of and belief in what you want to achieve. It’s a very powerful tool that can help people succeed, but it also has its weaknesses (just like every other method). Faith works because your mind will believe almost anything you tell yourself repeatedly. In fact, negative thoughts are more likely to take root than positive ones.

Autosuggestion is a way to communicate with your subconscious mind. It involves talking to yourself, but in a different manner than you normally do. You must feel the message and make it personal by focusing on something that represents what you want.

Think and Grow Rich Book Summary, by Napoleon Hill