Want to learn the ideas in Winners Never Cheat better than ever? Read the world’s #1 book summary of Winners Never Cheat by HUNTSMAN here.

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Video Summaries of Winners Never Cheat

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1-Page Summary of Winners Never Cheat

Think Like a Child

When you were a child, you learned simple values such as play fair, be tough and give it all you’ve got. These values help us succeed in life. Even though society has changed over the years, we still know right from wrong. While there are some “bad apples” who cheat on their taxes or steal money from their employers, most people do not do those things.

It takes courage to stand up for your beliefs in life and at work. It’s easier to give in than follow what you believe is right, but if you don’t do that, your conscience will bother you. In the end, cheaters never win and winners never cheat.

Cheaters never win in the long run because they damage their credibility and integrity. People won’t trust them or their companies, and it’s hard to build a reputation from scratch again. Instead of focusing on yourself, focus on building mutually beneficial relationships that will lead to repeat business. If you make unethical choices, it’s hard to rebuild those relationships later on.

In business, you can be a tough negotiator and try to get the best deal. People expect that of you. However, it is important to also treat people fairly and honestly. It is wrong to lie or misrepresent yourself in order to gain an advantage over others. Treat others as you would like them to treat you, because what goes around comes around in life.

Times May Change – Values Don’t

People often blame society for their own improper behavior. However, the fact is that people still know right from wrong and have strong values. It just takes courage to live your life according to those values in the face of whatever challenges arise. You can make a difference if you:

  • Before you do something, ask yourself if it’s the right thing to do. Make sure that you integrate your personal and professional life together. Remember that everything you do sets an example for others. Base your life on family, faith, fortitude, fairness, fidelity, friendship and philanthropy.

Be a Real Leader

Real leaders know that leadership is more than just a title. It involves risk, responsibility and reliability. Committing to live your life by your values takes courage. Your decisions will not always be popular, but they are worthwhile in the long run.

Leaders must be energetic and engage in their work. They should always uphold the values of an organization, as well as be honest and accountable for their actions. Leaders must also accept responsibility for others’ actions. If you’re a leader, people will look up to you and imitate or emulate your behavior.

Leaders need to have vision, confidence, integrity, commitment, courage and empathy. They also need to take risks and deliver results. Leaders should learn from their mistakes and not make the same mistake twice. If they do something wrong or exercise poor judgment in a situation, they should apologize for it and move on with learning from that experience so that they can lead better in the future.

Leadership requires cooperation and mutual respect, not domination or command. Good leaders know they don’t have all the answers, so they surround themselves with capable, competent associates who share their core values. They seek honest advisors who will brainstorm with them and hold them accountable for value-based actions and policies. Carefully choose your employees because if they make bad choices or immoral decisions you can get a poor reputation or damage your credibility by association. If the people you work with don’t mesh with your values, it’s best to part ways as soon as possible.

Mistakes Aren’t the Problem

Winners Never Cheat Book Summary, by HUNTSMAN